March 6th, 2019 marks the five year anniversary of 1 Million Cups in Sioux Falls. In March 2014, we held the first 1 Million Cups event at Queen City Bakery and heard from Andy Traub of Take Permission Marketing. 1 Million Cups has since expanded to more than 100 cities across the country, helping answer the question “What would happen if entrepreneurs got together and had 1 million cups of coffee together?” In our 1 Million Cups community, we have had more than 200 entrepreneurs share their war stories and inspire the next generation of entrepreneurs to start their businesses. People in our community have identified business partners, found jobs, written books together and made new friends and business connections.  Our organizing team is thrilled with the relationships, the businesses and the community that have come out of the 1 Million Cups community.

To celebrate our five year anniversary, we are throwing a big celebration on March 6th at 9:00 AM at the Museum of Visual Materials. You can RSVP on Facebook Here. We will have Andy Traub, who has since moved to Nashville, back in town to provide an update on what he’s been doing since he first spoke at 1 Million Cups in 2014. Mayor Paul TenHaken will provide remarks about the importance of entrepreneurship and the startup community and will declare March 6th to be Entrepreneurship Day in Sioux Falls. The Event Company will be bringing cupcakes and providing decorations for our special event as well.

In addition to the five year anniversary party for 1MC, Zeal will be holding a round-table discussion about growing the startup ecosystem in Sioux Falls at noon. At this event, startup community leaders are going to discuss how Sioux Falls’ entrepreneurial ecosystem ranks and what opportunities exist to become better, more inclusive and more helpful to emerging entrepreneurs. The format will include discussions by round-table panel members that we consider to be entrepreneurial thought-leaders and community-evangelists. This session is free and open to the public. This will be an open dialogue event and a conversation among all participants. You can RSVP on Facebook for this event here.

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Zeal is also holding a brainstorming session for entrepreneurs at an event called Chalk Talk in the evening. Learn more about Chalk Talk and RSVP here.

The draft proclamation that Mayor TenHaken will read to declare March 6th to be Entrepreneurship Day is available here.