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Is Podcasting the New Radio Ministry for Churches?

Many medium and large-sized church congregations (300+ members) have used the mediums of radio and television as a form of outreach ministry during the last half-century. By broadcasting the worship music and message of a Sunday morning service to the outside community, there’s the possibility that God will reach someone that might not ordinarily walk …

I’m Tired of Paying $150.00 Electric Bills

I’m a relatively happy customer of Southeastern Electric Cooperative. They provide me electricity for much cheaper  than I could generate myself and I’m part owner of the company (as is everyone else that gets electricity from Southeastern), but after receiving a bill for $150.00 in the mail for my August electricity, I figured it was …

Fall TV Shows

I’m not a terribly huge television watcher, but I do watch/listen to a number of podcasts on a regular basis. I usually try to get into one or two shows every fall season, but quite often the shows get stale rather quickly (I’m looking at you, Flash Forward) or I otherwise lose interest. There are …

How to Ensure You Will Actually Get Paid as a Freelancer

As unemployment rates remain elevated in most developed countries, people with specific marketable skill sets, such as website development, graphic design and copy writing, have been applying those talents in the marketplace in the form of freelance work to supplement their income streams. As a person that has done a lot of freelancing work in …

Big Sioux River Flooding 7/30/2010

via This is a compilation of videos that I made using my Flip Camera while on a bike-ride around the Sioux Fallss greenway today. I’ve included video of various parts of the Big Sioux River which have flooded and video from Falls Park. I estimate that water levels are somewhere between 5 and 7 …